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More than 500 species of wild bees live in Germany. However, the drastic decline in the number of bees in some regions is worrying. They are necessary for a significant part of our diet - because bees pollinate the flowers and thus secure our harvest. The reasons for the decline in bee populations are varied: Parasitic infestations of the insects by the Varroa mite, but also monocultural tendencies in agriculture and the declining plant diversity in gardens are unfavorable factors for all types of bees. This deprives the insects of their nutritional basis. Due to this development, more and more garden owners are responsible for offering the bees a species-appropriate biotope in order to ensure their preservation.
Suitable plants are mainly those that do not bloom double. These include, for example, the early flowering Cornus mas, Prunus avium and other fruit trees or Heptacodium miconioides as a late flowering plant. We are happy to offer you a wide variety of trees and shrubs that are particularly effective as "bee magnets".